CMES students may use this page to look for fellowships, opportunities to study abroad, calls for submissions, and more. This page will be updated regularly with additional opportunities, application and submission deadlines, and links for more information.
FLAS - Foreign Language Area Studies, Summer and Academic Year Fellowship
Application due: February 8, 2021 at 11:59pm CT
Website: https://apply-grad.uchicago.edu/apply/flas/
CASA - Center for Arabic Studies Abroad, Full-year Language Fellowship
Application due: January 21, 2021 (date TBA)
Website: https://casa.sbs.arizona.edu/
Fulbright U.S. Student Program Fellowship (English Teaching Assistant Awards)
Application due: August 2021 (for the 2022-2023 award)
Website: https://us.fulbrightonline.org/fulbright-us-student-program
Fulbright U.S. Student Program Fellowship (Study / Research Awards)
Application due: August 2021 (for the 2022-2023 award)
Website: https://us.fulbrightonline.org/fulbright-us-student-program
NSEP - National Security Education Program Boren Fellowship
Application due: December 18, 2020 at 4:00 CT
Website: https://www.borenawards.org/fellowships/boren-fellowship-basics
Radical Religion in the Ancient World Project in Odense, Denmark
Application due: October 19, 2020
Website: https://www.sdu.dk/en/service/ledige_stillinger/1103953
NEH at the American School of Classical Studies at Atherns
Application due: 31 October, 2020
Website: https://ascsa.submittable.com/submit/115299/associate-membership-with-fellowship-application
American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) Fellowships for Study in Turkey
Application due: November 1, 2020
Website: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/ARIT/FellowshipPrograms.html
American Center of Research (ACOR, formerly American Center of Oriental Research)
Application due: February 1, 2021
Epathlon Center for Hellenic Studies Research Fellowship
Application due: April 2, 2021
See the Call for Applications for submission details.
PhD at the University of Texas at Austin
Application Due: December 2022 (TBA)
Website: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/mes/graduate/phd-programs/overview.php
CLS - Critical Language Scholarship
Application due: November 17, 2020, 8pm EST
Website: https://clscholarship.org/
Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center (SQCC) Summer Arabic Language and Media Scholarship (SALAM)
Application due: February 2021 (date TBA)
Website: https://www.sqcc.org/scholarships/salam-study-abroad-2020/
Boren Fellowship
Application Due: January 2022 (TBA)
Website: https://www.borenawards.org/
Summer Foreign Language Area Studies
Application Due: February 8th, 2021
Palestinian American Research Council
Application Due: January 2022 (TBA)
Website: http://parc-us-pal.org/
Abstract due: None Listed
Website: https://renewedphilology.yale.edu/metatron
Forthcoming Open Access Journal:
Metatron: Revealing Ancient Knowledge
An initiative of Bible and Religions of the Ancient Near East
Collective (BRANE), hosted by Renewed Philology at Yale.
Metatron is a journal of modern philology and the ancient imagination
offering new vistas on the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean and
Near East. Named after the mediating angel of Jewish mysticism, it is
designed to open cutting-edge research to a broad intellectual
As an open-access journal, Metatron is designed to be:
Conversational but Focused: each volume presents a dialogue between
scholars on a current topic. Contributors of diverse backgrounds and
career stages approach the question from multiple perspectives.
Rigorous but Readable: Rather than mystifying readers with bursts of
recondite theory or vast footnotes, Metatron focuses on short pieces
designed to provoke thought and evoke dialogue. These are combined
with companion case studies that share an important text, image, or
site and work through it to illuminate new aspects.
Our scope covers ancient Western Asia and the Near East from the dawn
of writing through late Antiquity and from philology and poetics to
history and material culture. As an open-access publication, Metatron
presents high quality works-in-progress designed to provoke creative
discussion. An initial stage of double-blind peer review preserves the
rigor of traditional publication, but an equally vital element of
review is the discussions that make up the journal itself. The result
preserves the scholarly values of traditional publication but focuses
not on fully polished works but contributions that raise questions
worth having a dialogue on.
Volume 1: Ancient Hebrew Literature Beyond “The Bible”
Issue 1 (Winter 2020): Towards a New Map of Second Temple Literature:
Revelation, Rewriting, and Genre Before the Bible.
Issue 2 (Spring 2021) What is Scripture? Are canonical texts
inevitable, or can our relationship with sacred writing form multiple
Submission Guidelines:
We invite two types of contributions: themes and case studies, to be
sent to thejournalmetatron@protonmail.com.
Big questions or themes for a Metatron volume, with at least two or
three proposed participants or interlocutors. Proposals should be
500-1000 words covering I. Why the topic is important II. How this
volume will advance on it in a new way III. How the discussion will be
organized, including at least two abstracts and participant names and
IV. How the dialogue meets the BRANE principles of inclusion, rigor,
the promotion of new scholars and scholarship, and public service.
Case studies. These are closer to conventional journal articles but
should I. Be connected to a topic under discussion at BRANE II. linger
on the source material a little longer to introduce readers to what
the text or thing under discussion is and open new perspectives on why
it is meaningful and III. Keep footnotes short. Submissions can be
from 5-30 pages double-spaced 12-point font, following SBL format, and
anonymized, in both .docx and .pdf forms.
Articles should be in English, though we welcome non-Anglophone
submissions and are happy to discuss translating contributions in
French, German, and other languages.
Helen Dixon
Jae Han
Gina Konstantopoulos
Jacqueline Vayntrub
Jewish authors and power in the Graeco-Roman period
Jewish authors and power in the Graeco-Roman period
June 3rd- 4th 2021
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the workshop will take place online via Zoom.
Questions regarding power and power relations have been a prominent
topic in the study of the Greco-Roman period and especially regarding
the complicated and eventful history of Judaism in this period.
Whether relating to the use of power by ruling empires or the
resistance to it by local populations, scholarship has often focused
on forms of ‘physical’ power like state violence and the extortion of
revenue from subjugated populations. The adoption of post-colonial
perspectives by scholars of antiquity and Jewish Studies changed this
trend and brought with it new studies on forms of ‘soft’ power and the
ways in which subaltern groups employed it. While undoubtedly a
welcome development, some contemporary studies are too quick to apply
contemporary concepts and circumstances to the ancient world. In this
workshop, we wish to turn our look to the ancient evidence and to the
ways in which (mainly) Jewish authors describe and establish notions
of power. In the Greco-Roman period, and throughout the Mediterranean
and the Near East, different communities encountered new and changing
forms of dominance and had to respond to them by rethinking old
concepts and formulating new ones.
We ask: How do the authors define power, or do they define it at all?
How is power described, established and negotiated in (and between?)
texts? How do the authors perceive power, how does it affect their
writings and form their texts (implicitly or explicitly)? How is power
tangible in character depictions, virtues, moral and social standards?
Do the authors pursue an inside, for example Rome centered, view or
rather an outside one? Are there any limitations to power or
alternative sources to it? Can we detect notions of power balance or
attempts to create such a balance?
We aim to bring together students of the Greco-Roman world with
different points of view on the centrality and importance of
Hellenistic and Roman empires and their impact on the Mediterranean
and Near Eastern authors for a discussion of the matter. Contributions
from various disciplines are welcome and this workshop explicitly
invites MA students, PhD students as well as Post-Docs to contribute.
Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to
<rotem.avnerimeir@helsinki.fi> or to <
judith.goeppinger@theol.unibe.ch> by February 1st.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Gods, Demons, and Men of the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean
Sacra – a student journal for the study of religions is preparing a
monothematic issue 1/2022 on the topic of Gods, Demons, and Men of the
Ancient Eastern Mediterranean. The journal aims mainly to provide an
opportunity for students and early PhD candidates to publish their
editors of the issue are: František Válek a Matouš Mokrý (The
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and Czech Institute of
Egyptology, Charles University, Prague)
We welcome studies (15–25 standard pages), discussions and
commentaries (up to 15 standard pages), book reviews, and reports from
(video)conferences. Contributions will be peer-reviewed.
We accept contributions focused on conceptualizations of divinity,
relations between gods and men, the role of deities in ritual,
individual divine or demonic characters of specific pantheons,
transformations of pantheons throughout history, monotheisms in the
context of their polytheistic surroundings, and other related topics
concerning cultures of Egypt, Syro-Palestine, Mesopotamia, Turkey, and
other areas of the Eastern Mediterranean from the earliest historical
periods until the times of late antiquity.
Information concerning formal requirements for the manuscripts can be
found at http://www.sacra.cz/ While the journal is Czech, we welcome
contributions in English.
You can send the texts to casopissacra@gmail.com until 30. 11. 2021.
We look forward to Your contributions!
Graduate Symposium in Ancient Near EasternStudies
Abstract due: December 14, 2020
Website: no link
The Department of Egyptology & Assyriology at Brown University, in
cooperation with Yale University and Harvard University is delighted
to announce the third annual Graduate Symposium in Ancient Near
Eastern Studies (GSANES):
Topic: Disruption in the Ancient Near East
When: February 19–20, 2021
Where: Zoom, where else?
Call for Papers
This graduate symposium—online for the first time—aims to bring
together students of the ancient world in order to develop a community
of junior scholars. Participants will present and discuss their
research in a supportive environment, and they will receive feedback
from faculty members from the participating universities as well as
their peers. We cordially invite presentations from graduate students
in Assyriology and related fields of study, such as Egyptology,
Hittitology, and Near Eastern archaeology.
The topic of the 2021 symposium will be one that is all too familiar
in the present moment: Disruption. Originally a medical term referring
to the tearing asunder of bodily tissue, disruption has come to refer
to radical transformations in society and the uncertainty that sets in
as a result. But disruptions do not have to be inherently negative
experiences: as old systems fall into disarray, new, innovative
systems may emerge in their place. Indeed, innovations can be causes
of disruptions themselves. As such, we invite students to use diverse
methodological and theoretical approaches to engage with disruption in
the ancient Near East. Case studies and more general perspectives are
both welcome. In addition, we urge our presenters and attendees to
discuss the implications of ancient disruption for modern society, and
carefully consider the utility and meaning of studying the ancient
world in an age of disruption.
Please send us an abstract of no more than 250 words before December
14th. Each presentation will be allowed a maximum of 20 minutes,
followed by a 10-minute discussion. Presenters are encouraged to
include slideshows or handouts that they would like to share with the
audience. The maximum number of speakers is limited. Seeing as travel
expenses and accommodations will not be an issue for anyone this year,
we will gladly welcome graduate students from all over the globe to
submit applications.
The symposium will begin on the evening of Friday, February 19th with
a keynote lecture. Student presentations will take place the following
day. We will also arrange break-out rooms where attendees can chat and
socialize. We will distribute a more detailed schedule for the event
to all registered participants as the time comes.
We would like to ask everyone who wishes to attend the conference to
send an email to gsanes2021@gmail.com. Please include your name,
university, department, and year of study if applicable. If you wish
to submit an abstract, please send your abstract in the body of the
email and write ABSTRACT in the subject heading.
Zachary Rubin, Brown University (zachary_rubin1@brown.edu)
Evelyne Koubková, Yale University (evelyne.koubkova@yale.edu)
Andrew Deloucas, Harvard University (adeloucas@g.harvard.edu)
South Asia Graduate Student Conference
Deadline to submit an abstract: December 10, 2020 at 5pm CT
Conference to be held: March 4-6, 2021 (online)
Website: https://lucian.uchicago.edu/blogs/sagsc/
Department of Classical Studies, Brandeis University Annual Graduate Conference
Call for Papers!
Cracking Open the Contact Zone: Imperialism and Indigenous Interaction
in Antiquity
Department of Classical Studies, Brandeis University
Annual Graduate Conference
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Linda Gosner, Assistant Professor of Classical
Archaeology, Texas Tech University
Conference Date: April 9th – 10th, 2021
The Department of Classical Studies at Brandeis University invites
submissions of abstracts for our Annual Graduate Student Conference,
which will be held virtually. This year’s conference examines how
indigenous populations interacted with imperial powers in the ancient
world. This conference provides a platform for papers exploring the
relationship between the conqueror and the conquered, especially in
examining modes of resistance, daily life living under occupation,
imperialist policies toward conquered peoples, and the socioeconomic
effects of imperialism. Priority will be given to papers examining
indigenous interaction with imperialism in the ancient world, but
other topics related to the conference theme will be considered. We
welcome submissions from graduate students of all levels and from
disciplines including Anthropology, Archaeology, Art History,
Classics, Comparative Literature, History, Jewish Studies, Near
Eastern Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sexuality Studies, and
Women’s Studies.
Possible submission topics include, but are not limited to:
The justification of imperialist thought in literature
The colonizer’s view of the colonized, or vice versa
The effects of imperial policy on the lives of people living in
occupied territories
Cultural hybridity in the contact zones of empire
Indigenous voices in the historical and archaeological records
Papers must be original, unpublished works authored by current
graduate students. Please send an abstract (no more than 300 words), a
paper title, and a C.V. in PDF (.pdf) format to Michelle Heeman,
Nicole Constantine, and Claire Khokhar at classics@brandeis.edu.
Papers should be 15-minutes in length and will be followed by a
5-minute question and answer session.
All papers will be presented in a virtual format. The deadline for
submissions is February 15th, 2021. Selected speakers will be notified
by March 1st.
Middle East Studies Association of North America Annual Conference (Call for Papers)
Deadline: February 18, 2021
Instructions: https://mesana.org/annual-meeting/call-for-papers
All submissions must be made through the myMESA electronic submission system (https://mesana.org/mymesa/login.php) which opens on Friday, January 8, 2021 and closes on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at midnight Eastern Standard Time. Late submissions will not be considered.
Membership is a requirement to submit a proposal.
Middle East History and Theory
Submission Due: (TBA)
Website: https://cmes.uchicago.edu/mehat